Saturday 3 August 2013

We do exist, honest

Sat thinking for a while about which way I wanted to take this post. I had a few thing s in my head, cancer related but then we had the public unveiling of the four thugs who were responsible for the recent Twitter abuse

As I write this, my blood is boiling and my thought process can only be described as extremely sad, that yet again, men (and more often than not it is men), have found yet another way to exercise abuse over a female.
Coming from an abused background, physically and sexually for 14 years, it has taken me a long time of concerted effort to be everything my father wasn't. The vast amount of my friends are female and I go out of my way to try and be the perfect gentleman, firstly to reassure myself that the genetics has not rubbed off but also to try and show women, that there are good guys out there. Guys who appreciate as equals. Men who are hot blooded but tender, passionate and compassionate and appreciative. Maybe members of the male population who escaped Mars.

Then, sadly, we have had the case of little Daniel Pelka, the poor little mite who was starved and beaten to death by his mother and stepfather. First and foremost, the two of them are evil personified and thankfully they both received equal sentencing of a minimum of 30 years.

However, anyone who knows me, will know I spent over 20 years working in Child Protection and I have not heard one social worker, teacher, doctor come forward and say, we let this little boy down and suffer. This is not acceptable when there were so many warning signs. It is down to the failures of ALL of these services and it is too late to hold a review and promise to get better at it. This is a person's life we are talking about here!!

To finish off, back to my main blog subject, all I can say is that I am oh so very tired


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