Monday 19 August 2013

My life in an instant

I am now entering my 9th week of living in a leafy village in rural Hertfordshire and I have to say, the area, plus having to walk everywhere (except for the odd irregular bus) has done my health the world of good. I have lost weight, enjoy the nature of the countryside and have even been adopted by a family of ducks, who recognise me approaching and all come off the river to greet me.

I have spent a few lovely hours in the company of two of my favourite people, the Kaplans and I have made new friends and been lucky enough to share some time with them in person or via good old twitter. I have been appointed a nursing team, who are very relaxed and will meet me anywhere for a coffee, so it feels far more social than clinical, although, to be honest, I am in the mind set of cancelling time with them as I have enough reminders.(monthly life insurance bills tend to do that trick)  I also have a couple of visits planned by some lovely people to look forward to :)

Started making chocolates for two charities, 'One Voice' who help with Domestic Violence and Target, who specialise in Ovarian Cancer. Both of which I hope go really well, for obvious reasons and I hope my twitter friends support by ordering some of these chocolates from One Voice @EveThomas40 and @GeorgianaMay. I have also been involved in something very exciting on the cooking front that will become apparent by the end of the year :)

Then, well then, nothing. I appear to have lost so much as well. Not being allowed my dog, who was with me daily for 6 years is hard. Originally thought she was going to be 8 miles away from me and that I would see her a few times a week but she is actually 87 miles from me with my daughter, who will still not even speak to me, never mind see me. I did get a series of angry texts 2 weeks ago but that is it. I cannot blame her and in fact never would.

On top of that, I have gone from regular daily contact and long conversations to lucky if I get a text or two from my best friend, who lives closest of all but has so much going on. Not that I am complaining, for without her, I would not be here but if I had realised the cost (not financially) I would have had second thoughts as her friendship and contact meant the most.

If anything, it has taught me to not become dependent upon anyone, not to become a burden and to make the most of what I do have. I wake up each day and smile at the world and the glorious things that nature has to offer me. It has also made me realise that when the time comes, I am not being shipped off to a hospice, I am more likely to get a single ticket to some nice remote location and enjoy.

Some people have said that some of  my blogs are hard reading, and I do not intend them that way. I  hope that they give people a little understanding of everyday life for me and that I appreciate it so much. So please ignore the negatives and if it interests you, enjoy the positives, for I am far more blessed than some :)

David xx

1 comment:

  1. Very honest! I wish you all the best in resolving the issues you have and hope that you can focus on the positives you have right now. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing!! (@LacunaRaven)
