Wednesday 18 December 2013


I need to give a big thank you to everyone who has either purchased or advertised and pushed my taste of Christmas Chocolates over the last six weeks.

I received a message from my daughter at 5.45 am to say enough, as she felt  I was making her out to be a charity case.

Everyone knows that I have worked hard to produce and sell these chocolates and charity did not come in to it.

I will continue to make and sell chocolates while I can and the profits made from them will be put in to a savings account to give to my daughter on her 16th Birthday on 26th February.

Again, thank you everyone


Monday 9 December 2013

Meeting with Angels along the way

A bit of a break from my normal blog this week, as I really want to spend the time talking about the launch of Homeless Beanies in Bradford last Thursday, which just so happened to coincide with my 'Hello/Goodbye' tour of lunches. (Wonder how that happened? :) )
From speaking with them in the development of their own unique chocolates, which I can now announce as vanilla and lime, and gob smackingly gorgeous, we decided to help with the launch, to have a Wine, Cheese and Chocolate evening, along with a smattering of art and health related stalls, all within a beautiful Bistro called Forsters in the City Centre.
I had arrived the day before, to help ensure that I was not trying to push too much in to one day, with the bus, taxi and two train journey it involved, and after a bit of a struggle and the fact it was getting dark, I gave in and got them to co come and find me. We went back to their office within the College, for a much needed coffee and to meet the team.
I was then hit with my first real surprise of the visit, a calender made up for Inn Churches, whose umbrella Homeless Beanies sits, was shown to me and the first page has a dedication from the heart, to ME. Me, I say. I have never ever felt so humbled by the thought and sentiment of something.
Spent the rest of the evening helping, Emma from Elaborate Designs, keep calm, as she was showing her art off the next day to the public for the first time.
Got up in the morning to howling winds and torrential rain and a message from Sarah Wearing to say she definitely could not make the lunch as her little one was poorly and of course, trains were cancelled. (Good job I was guided to travel the previous day).
I had a 9 am appointment with a women who puts together a CD for those dying, as a lasting message for my daughter, arranged by the lovely Juli from Homeless Beanies, so a taxi was phoned for and a brave driver, risked the journey to the college, past flying roof slates. I thought I was emotionally prepared for the experience of putting together the CD, with a selection of 6 songs, pertinent to myself and my daughter and me talking about nice things in between. However, after introducing the first song, I was on my fifth tissue of literally hundred I would need in those two hours.
On to lunch to try and compose myself. Met with Lacuna Raven and her hubby, Juli, Emma and Mad Hatter himself for what was a fun filled two and half hour lunch, with glorious food from Forsters Bistro and even better company.
Right, now for the main event. 70 guests and volunteers, all desperate to find out this unique flavour and to get stuck in to my taste of Christmas and the AnjulaDevi range as well. The crowd was split in to 2 and I completed my first set of tastings, with a member of the Forsters staff doing the wine and a chef doing the cheese. All went well and everyone loved the new ranges, with numerous enquiries to buy (in fact, the Homeless Beanies chocolates were in high demand).
Quick stock up of the trays and away we go with the second round. Had just finished the Christmas flavour when I get a tap on the shoulder from Juli, who is standing there with the Archbishop of York, who had insisted to come and meet me in person. Juli took over the next part of the tasting, while myself and the Archbishop spoke and then he asked if he could pray for me and with me, right there at the side of the tasting table!! I can honestly say that when he held on to me, I could feel the presence that comes with his Office, and yet again, I was truly humbled.
Prayer finished just in time for the tasting of the Homeless Beanies chocolates, the first of which went to the Archbishop. I can say that he loved them and actually came back for more a little later, along with the poses for photo's from the gathered press and the wonderful Ben from Homeless Beanies.
There is so much more to say about the event but I will have to save that, along with my usual health update til next week. Just want to finish off with a massive thank you to all the Volunteers, Forsters Bistro, my friends, Andy who helped throughout the whole event, the Archbishop and most importantly Juli, who made it all happen, a true angel xx

Monday 2 December 2013

Decisions have been taken

It seems like Monday is the new Sunday when it comes to my blog writing as for the last two Sundays I have been out on lovely lunches with equally lovely friends and as enjoyable an experience that it is, it does tire me out and I would not be able to give the blog 100%. However, I do not plan to stop having these nice lunches, as it is one of a few things that I really look forward to and i have a few more lined up.

Talking of looking forward, this Thursday sees the launch of the Homeless Beanies UK chocolate at in Bradford. I am doing the tasting evening and will give a simple demonstration on how to make raw chocolates, with my flavours. (Could be doing myself out of business). I have agreed with Homeless Beanies UK to continue to make their chocolates (can't tell you the flavour yet), for as long as I can, because street homelessness is something I have always cared passionately about and this time last year I was auctioned by another homeless charity for £250, money well spent, if you ask me:)  On Homeless Beanies UK, one of the things they do is buy single duvets and bedding and as I am sure you can appreciate, that is a big overall cost. If you fancy making a contribution direct to buy a duvet or bedding, please contact @homelessbeaniesuk

Did I mention there are seven of us meeting for lunch that day as well? :)

Moving swiftly on to my Christmas chocolates, I am so close to my target for the laptop and portrait, thanks to some lovely orders and a couple of individual contributions by people I would never mention but they know who they are.  I have decided that after the Christmas chocolates that I will continue to make chocolates with different flavours, including the lovely @anjuladevi mix and will put the money in to an account that will go to my daughter for her 16th Birthday on the 26th February, whether I am here or not. My best friend @angelajspencer will oversee it, if I am not. Yet another task for her to do, sorry.

To help with the chocolates, I had, as a gesture of good will, a website made for me by I thank Steve for the help and doing this for me.

On the health front, I tried to take some painkillers but they gave me a massive upset tummy, so I guess not. Seeing the doctor again soon, so will tell her that it is back to the alternative therapies and mind over matter. I have noticed that I am getting tired more quickly and more often but being tired does not mean sleeping more, as my fellow insomniacs will testify. To be totally honest, as I have always tried to be on here, there is a big fear in closing my eyes and my mind seems to fight it. I do sometimes sleep but not for long and always wake with a smile in my heart and a dance with the day in appreciation.