Friday 13 September 2013

Flies in the ointment but dancing continues

As the majority of you will know, well those of you who have followed my blog or know me well, I have terminal cancer and almost a month ago took the decision to come off mainstream medication and live the remainder of my life in clarity and enjoyment. I am convinced that by doing this and not giving in to the illness and the methods of managing it through the normal ways that I could add several months to my life and have some nice times and hopefully create good memories for others.

The medications that I was on and have now completely left my body were covered by a NHS exemption certificate, which basically meant that I did not have to pay a penny for them, something I paid full National Insurance for 25 years for, so never felt guilty about it despite the fact that I know at least two of the drugs are very expensive. Unfortunately, the only thing within the range of complimentary medicines is the enjoyment of going out for walks in the countryside to feed the ducks. Oh, wait a minute, that is not free either.

To give you some ideas of the costs of alternative therapies, Reiki ranges between £20-£40 per session. Aromatherapy between £30-£60. Massage £30-£60 (and no, that is not with 'extra's'). Add to that, vitamin supplements at £25 and fresh food that is not smothered in chemicals and you can soon see that alternative therapies do not come in cheap. Not that I begrudge the money needed for it but from the starting point of free medication, the cost this month has been high. Did I mention I don't drive anymore either, so I have the travel costs to factor in as well each week.

Added to this is the high cost of my life insurance policies which have to be maintained, and no, I did not take critical illness out at the time (well, have you?). Did the observant among you notice no entertainment costs factored in there? Do the dying need entertained?

However, if I want to carry on away from the drugs, I am going to have to find some way of affording this. I suppose I could give in, go back on the drugs and sit in a daze just waiting but that is not me and I will have to look at ways of raising the money, maybe pushing the catering, although I have been avoiding this as it does tire me out, as much as I enjoy it. (not the cooking but the travelling to and from a cooking job, did I mention I rely on buses and trains and the buses don't run in the evenings here).

The next fly that landed in my ointment was a medical one. I found myself with my liver becoming inflamed and I am convinced I can feel a growth (believe me, when you have it, you think it is everywhere). How can I, after sacking my medical team, then go and ask for treatment for the new symptoms? I can't!! So, yet more costs looking at alternative therapies that will help (good old milk thistle).

Despite my inane rambling, I have to say that I am not all doom and gloom. I am determined to dance with each day, smile at people with my heart and enjoy everything that I can. I know that one or two people have privately been in touch with me and told me that I have inspired them to come off medication for various complaints (although I do worry when people see me as an inspiration).

I have made some lovely friends over the last month or two, to add to the lovely friends I already had, which really does help me on a daily basis and I thank them for their friendship, their time and company, either in person, phone or social media which is priceless. On top of that, my estranged daughter has now spoken to me a couple of times this week, for a few hours at a time, which for someone who was so scared that we would never talk again, is seen as a miracle, believe me.

And to finish off on a cooking note, several people sent me lovely photographs of their home cooked food, which have brightened up my business page on face book and have made it on to my new website (work in progress)

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