Sunday 20 October 2013

They Shoot Horses Don't They?

Those of us of a certain age, will remember this film, starring Jane Fonda, set at a Marathon Dance. For those of you too young to have seen it, may I be bold in suggesting you give it a go? The overall sentiment of it is of course very poignant to me and although I could not claim it to be in my top 100 films it does however deal with the whole subject of when life can become too much. And no, it does not mean I am at that stage, yet. I have always loved Cherry Blossom time of Spring and plan to see it again.

I have had occasion over this last week to feel very humbled by one or two peoples private offers of help, if I need it. Never let it be said that you cannot find true friendship on a Social Network site because I am living proof that it does happen. I will never name them, as they made the offers in private but they know who they are and what they offered. As I said, humbled and thankful for having them as friends. I have also arranged three lunches with friends I have met on line and plan to honour them, as it may be the only opportunity. I also have numerous friends who take it upon themselves to check I am okay and keeping a smile on my face.

I have also been asked by one or two people questions that I unfortunately do not have the answer to. All I can say is that when something does happen to me, measures have been put in place to ensure everyone knows, yet another task that befalls my best friend, bless her. One of the questions I am regularly asked is where do I think the cancer originated? Given that it emanates from the Pancreas, the biggest indicator is lifestyle. During my prime years, working late nights, drinking fizzy drinks full of aspartame and yes, smoking and drinking far too much coffee at ungodly hours. Add to that, the increase in processed foods and you can quickly see how I let my body become a battle ground. Do yourselves a favour, look at the chemicals you are putting in to your bodies, aspartame is very scary and if you are a man, lay off the Soy based milks and foods.

My final two tasters have been selected for the Christmas chocolates have been finally selected (had over 200 applicants)  and  they will receive their chocolates this week and depending on their reports back to me, the chocolates will be available to be purchased from the first week of November. They taste of Christmas and are made of only natural ingredients with no added sugars or preservatives. Yes, you could buy a tin of Roses for the same price and I will be as well, but these are special and as I have already said, the profits from which will go to me buying my daughter her last ever Christmas presents from me.

I have decided on two things for her. Firstly a laptop that will see her through 6th form and college, especially as the old one she had has recently blown up. The second thing is a portrait of me and her. I plan to ask an artist to put together something nice, based on a photograph of each of us. I hope she will like both equally and it is my motivation to keep going and do something positive with the skills I still possess.

As well as the Christmas Chocolates, I last night negotiated a range of chocolates for a particular organisation, who will be revealed in the next few days hopefully. I have made them their own chocolate, with their own unique flavour, chosen by them and I have to say, they are amazing and like nothing on the market today. Also looking at doing something quite exciting with them, while I still have some energy, before Christmas. And no, I am not playing Santa !!

Thank you to those of you that took part in my little experiment last week. I had reports back from quite a few people and they have independently told me of their experiences, which is very heart warming and further endorses my belief in healing xx


  1. I'm awful as I forgot Thursday! I am sorry and really have no excuse besides I had an awful lot going on here.

    As always I enjoy your posts and hope that people appreciate what you are sharing!

  2. That is no problem Erika, I know you were busy getting sorted. Glad you know why I am sharing my story :)
