Sunday 13 October 2013

It proves it is all working

Before i begin my usual update on how things are going, just want to say that the winner of my first blog competition was chosen at random this morning. Sarah Ash has now become an official taster for my Tastes of Christmas range of chocolates, which are available to order from bonfire night. I will be choosing another taster at random, next Sunday morning, all you have to do is read and RT this blog to be in with the chance (had 147 RT's last week) and would like to double that.

As I have said, this year, the profits from the chocolates are going to buying my daughter the last Christmas present I will be able to get her, so please, spread the word and yes, the chocolates are hand made, contain no preservatives or sugars and really do taste of Christmas.
I know you can buy a tin of Roses or Celebrations and I will be too but these are special, after dinner chocolates and did I say they TASTE of Christmas :)

And now for the boring update bit :)

This week has been a bit tough really as I have been suffering with a bit of an upset tummy and a few nose bleeds. It could be a bug but obviously in my condition, every ailment is viewed with massive suspicion. I do have my blood tests due (it is the only thing I am using my doctors for) so it should pick up whatever the problem is. The main problem for me though is the fact that to go shopping, I have to walk or if I can, catch a bus, neither of which are perfect with an upset tummy and feeling a little weak on my legs but still needed. it is amazing what we take for granted but even walking to the nearest shop takes planning and of course, i cannot carry much.

Despite that though, I have managed to get away this week for a bit of sea air, been to the cinema (with only one loo break) and for two treatments. I cannot just stop and give in to it all and refuse to stop dancing with each day.

I have also been asked why I moved to an area where I was so isolated. Simple truth, if I had not moved when I did, thank to my best friend, I would not have seen the summer. I needed the fresh air and the exercise that comes with the isolation. Now summer is well and truly behind us, I need to carry on that regime, no matter the weather, or I may as well give in now.

On a positive note, after a two week period of not speaking, my daughter got in touch again today to show me her preparations for her halloween party :)

Finally, I want to try an experiment this week. At 7.30 pm on Thursday, I want all of my friends and readers to put out their right hand, palm facing the floor, for 2 minutes. I then want you to let me know what you feel. Might sound daft but to me, it will prove that something is working.

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to remind me about Thursday! Will RT of course.
    Glad you have had a break and got away for a bit and that your daughter is in touch again. Her stitches look good!
    Smile and dance or should it be dance and smile, because you dance funny?
    Hope you're feeling brighter David!
