Wednesday 19 February 2014

One Day I'll Fly Away

When I started my blog, my sole purpose was to be honest with what was happening with me with regards my illness, in the hope that by doing so, I might help just one other person. 

I have spoken about my decision to come off medication and withdrawing from medical support. I have tried to look at the financial costs and implications of complimentary medication and supplements. I have explained the 'dark' feelings and an inability to have people close to me. 

The one thing I never intended to do with my blog, was to upset anyone. Unfortunately, I have found out this week that in writing my blog with such honesty, I have been upsetting my estranged daughter. I did not even know she could or would read them, after all, she does not follow me on any social media forum.

For that reason, I am taking the following decisions. I have cancelled all health appointments, I don't want to be timetabled and I will know myself when things are changing and will shout out for those I need at that time, in the hope they will be there. I know this will bitterly disappoint some people but it is far easier and less stressful for me to not be put under the microscope, so I am sorry. I know One Day I Will Fly Away and I am not trying to hide from it but knowing the when will just cause too much hurt and depression, especially as I am now at the end of my initial prognosis. I know my life has been extended because my best friend took the decision to move me to Hertfordshire at a time when I could barely make a decision for myself and  will love her forever for her intervention and her friendship.

My second big decision is to discontinue my blog from this point on. I am sorry again for those who have taken some comfort or level of understanding from it but the fact that my daughter is accessing it and it is causing her upset, is something that I, as a father can not deliberately do. 

I want to thank each and every one of you who has ever read and retweeted my blog. I could not have communicated with so many people and received so much support. I will still happily talk with anyone about the issues of living with a terminal illness, but this will be done in private. Just drop me a DM or send me a text or an email and I will come back to you 

David Lewis xxx

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